Monday, 3 August 2015

week 2 (27-31 July) Activities captured in action

Campus, for the remaining 4 weeks

AND WHAT?! Another AWESOME "Hello to my Health" session.
Incredible. Energy. Informative. Creative

 Yes, I have blue seude shoes.
My shoes help me get through my day in comfort and with a smile, that's how much I love them.
(It just musn't rain)
 Sometimes I think we forget to admire the beauty that surrounds us in our every day lives. So hello flowers on the way back from hospital, next to the tree that makes a beautiful rustling noise.

Our exciting breastfeeding Health Promotion set up for the KMC moms. Great success.

You are as strong or weak as you believe yourself to be (week 2)

This past week we have been in the Worcester hospital where we were given a ward to screen and follow-up throughout the week. My ward contained a lot of chronically ill patients including diabetics, renal patients and COPD. It also included TB patients, these patients were all malnourished and required supplemental drinks.

 Being in hospital is really a life changing experience where there is no monotony and the difference you make to each individual can be so rewarding, even if it's simply giving them a warm smile and asking them how they are(asking like you really care and you really want to know the answer) you can see that they appreciate it. I'm not just talking about the patients here, because obviously we have to go into much more detail with them, but I'm talking about the nurses, the cleaners and the security. These people spend a lot of time looking after others and making sure they are alright, but does anyone ever ask if they are ok and give them some attention? So for me treating my patients and the people that work in the ward with the same warmth and care is so important, because then I know even if I can't make a huge difference in their lives nutritionally wise I have at least made a difference in the way they feel that day.

 There were a few incidents this past week that truly touched me in my ward, I would love to go into detail about every single one but I feel like that would take a bit long. Briefly though I counselled a few patients on Diabetes and also a weight loss patient  and I could see how much they appreciated what I had taught them(they also thanked me many times, so I know they appreciated it) and that they truly were going to make a change to their diets when they returned home. From this I realized that half the problem or even more than half the problem in our country is that people do not have the knowledge to make a change in their lives, they don't know any better, which enforced my belief in that Community Nutrition plays such an important role as that is where health promotion can occur and with health promotion comes prevention which would basically mean that less people would be in hospital from eg hyper/hypoglycemia because they would know how to manage their Diabetes better , if they even had it(wishful thinking to completely prevent diabetes from occurring).

Teaching the moms how to cup feed and express breast milk when we had never done it before was quite a daunting experience, but educating the moms on breastfeeding and positioning and latching was incredibly rewarding and I really enjoyed it. I think that one needs to be careful with how much information you give in one go as they are very overwhelmed , especially if they have just had their first child. With that in mind I it is also very important to not just criticize the moms but to encourage them on what they are doing right as well, it is important that breastfeeding remains a positive activity not one where you are worried you are doing something wrong in. So remain calm, patient and positive when you are educating moms would be my number one tip.
 Being able to cup feed a KMC baby was incredible exposure that I am very grateful now, because now I know how difficult it is, but only if you don't know your child. I say this because I think you learn the different mannerisms and the best position to cup feed your child so the more you cup feed the easier it gets and the more the baby gets use to it. The experiences with the mothers and the tut we had the previous week will definitely better further consultations with future mothers.

Suggestions to use our time more effectively during Ukwanda:
  • ·         To have ward rounds every day in hospital, even if they are very brief, as it allows us to learn from the other Dietitians patients and not just our own. Which obviously means we have greater exposure, which will hopefully allow us to be able to know how to handle different patients in the future.
  • ·         I think it is very important to do health promotion in the clinics and day hospital specifically focusing on Diabetes and Hypertension as these are too very common ailments in the community and they can easily be managed with help from the diet.
  • ·         With this being said I think that Health Promotion aimed at care givers for their children is essential:

o   This would include educating them on correct complementary feeding guidelines, so basically healthy eating and the portion sizes for their children.
o   As well as teaching the Mom's in the birthing wards about the RtHB and going through it step by step. This is very important, and I strongly recommend it, as there is no one else who will take the time to give such a detailed explanation to them. With that explanation they should know the importance of breastfeeding, how to complementary feed as well as the importance of going to the clinic. And with just that we can change so many lives.
  • ·         I realize we have to make the most of our time here and that a day only ends at 4pm, like any other working day would, but finishing at 4pm on a Friday in Worcester and still having to drive back to Cape Town is very tiring and not very enjoyable. I also know that we are encouraged to stay in Worcester over weekends, but when you are in private accommodation in Cape Town(which is generally quite expensive), have a gym membership and friends there it is unlikely that we won't return every weekend. It would be fantastic if we were refunded for every weekend. But I wouldn't not want to come here, I think that the opportunities we receive in Worcester are incredible and we are blessed to have such different learning opportunities.

To summarize what made my week.
A patient said to me when talking about where I was going for Community Service next year(casual conversation):

" Ah , so you want o go back to your home so you can help your people".

I was blown away, that is the exact reason I am returning home, to give back to the people who gave to me. What an incredible individual, and even though she was severely ill, her soul and mind were not. They were fill of energy and passion for life! Which just shows, you are as strong or weak as you believe yourself to be.

"Are you finished weighing me?" "Yes I am" " Ok good, cause I want to go for a walk now" "Where are you going to go?" " Oh I don't know, I just don't want to lie in bed anymore it makes me feel useless and tired".